Connecting the Milwaukee community with data you can use

We are a diverse group of local professionals who help people access data and make it useful in improving community conditions in Milwaukee neighborhoods and across Wisconsin by providing data tools, technical assistance, and strategic partnership.

We are a diverse group of local professionals who help people access data and make it useful in improving community conditions in Milwaukee neighborhoods and across Wisconsin by providing data tools, technical assistance, and strategic partnership.

MKE Indicators

Explore interactive data maps for the City of Milwaukee designed to bring key information to community members, planners, policy makers, and neighborhood organizations across the city.

Neighborhood Portraits

The Neighborhood Portraits show neighborhood-specific data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey that describes population and housing in an easy-to-reference format.

Data Chats

Hosting a community conversation about a topic or issue that concerns your neighborhood or community is even more powerful when supported by data and personal stories. Learn more about our Guide to Data Chats here.

Data Day

Join us on October 23, 2024 for our annual event, centered around the people and organizations who are using data to improve their neighborhoods and communities in Milwaukee and beyond.


Data You Can Use is proud to serve as Milwaukee’s representative to the Urban Institute’s National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership. As a partner, we work to democratize data by building local capacity, sharing best practices and helping users sort through the data to surface, explain and address issues of concern.


Want to support Data You Can Use?

Click below to make a donation and support the work we do to make community data more accessible for all.

 We connect people who have data with people who need data

  • Health data users group
  • Housing data users group
  • Data Day & Data Dream Awards
  • MKE Indicators
  • Neighborhood Portraits
  • Research/Partner Evaluation
  • COVID-19 Data Chats and health conditions interactive map
News Release: Data Dream Winners

News Release: Data Dream Winners

Data You Can Use is pleased to share our news release, featuring the official announcement of the Data Dream winners. Read the full news release below, or click the link here to download the PDF.

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