Neighborhood Portraits

The Neighborhood Portraits project uses data from the American Community Survey to create a series of tables describing the population, households, and housing in Milwaukee neighborhoods. The framework we use is based on input and advice from community organizers working in the neighborhoods supported by Milwaukee’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Data You Can Use and our partners hope that these tables continue to be used by those working in Milwaukee neighborhoods in their work planning, organizing, and funding development work and programing.

February 2024 Portraits Release

The neighborhood portraits below were made using data from the 2018 – 2022 American Community Survey (ACS) five-year estimates data release, which is the most up-to-date available from the U.S. Census Bureau. For more information about the ACS, visit the U.S. Census Bureau website here.

Amani Neighborhood Portrait

Lincoln Park Neighborhood Portrait

Muskego Way Neighborhood Portrait

Riverwest Neighborhood Portrait

Clarke Square Neighborhood Portrait

Lindsay Heights Neighborhood Portrait

Near South Side Portrait

Sherman Park Neighborhood Portrait

Harambee Neighborhood Portrait

Little Menomonee River Parkway Portrait

Near West Side Neighborhoods Portrait

Silver City, Layton Park, and Burnham Park Neighborhoods Portrait

Hillside Neighborhood Portrait

Metcalfe Park Neighborhood Portrait

Northwest Side Neighborhood Portrait

United Community Neighborhood Portrait

Historic South Side Portrait

Midtown Neighborhood Portrait

Parklawn Neighborhood Portrait

Washington Park Neighborhood Portrait

Questions about the Portraits?

Contact Rohan Katti: rohan [at] datayoucanuse [dot] org