T.J. Cobb

Vice Board Chair

T.J. Cobb is a native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and is committed to addressing inequities within her community. T.J.’s mission is to inspire and serve others by setting a standard of excellence with integrity and accountability. Through Cardinal Strict University’s African American Leadership Program (AALP), T.J. received extensive leadership training with an emphasis on collective advocacy for Black Milwaukee. Ms. Cobb earned a Bachelor and Master degree from the UW-Milwaukee. She is formally trained in evaluation by the American Evaluation Association (AEA) and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Her interdisciplinary background provides her with the expertise to cultivate and analyze data, design, and implement business strategies for a variety of clients within a range of areas.

Cobb has a proven track record of producing collaborative results. As founder of Eclectic Innovation, she ensures communities and organizations have capabilities to leverage data for effective decision-making and to demonstrate value of results. Her experience involves policy advocacy, systems improvement, technology integration and research and evaluation. She works to provide technical assistance in performance improvement for private and public sector entities. Ms. Cobb works with various institutions including, non-profits, foundations, and government and other human service agencies across the nation, to enhance organizational impact.